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Yoga Poses for Kids: Easy, Beginner, and Advanced Moves

 Yoga is fun and healthy for kids. It helps them stay active and focused. Here are some easy and enjoyable yoga poses for kids.

Why Yoga is Good for Kids

Yoga helps kids in many ways. It makes them strong and flexible. It also helps them stay calm and focused. Yoga is a great way for kids to have fun and relax.

Easy Kid Yoga Poses

These poses are perfect for beginners. They are simple and safe for kids.

1. Mountain Pose (tadasana)

This pose is very easy. Kids just need to stand tall like a mountain.

  1. Stand with feet together.

  2. Keep arms by the sides.

  3. Stand tall and breathe deeply.

2. Tree Pose (vrksasana)

This pose helps kids improve their balance.

  1. Stand tall and place one foot on the opposite thigh.

  2. Bring hands together in front of the chest.

  3. Hold the pose and breathe.

3. Cat Pose (marjaryasana)

This pose is fun and easy. Kids pretend to be cats.

  1. Get on hands and knees.

  2. Arch the back like a cat.

  3. Look down and hold the pose.

Beginner Yoga Poses

These poses are great for kids who are new to yoga.

1. Downward Dog (adho Mukha Svanasana)

This pose is like a dog stretching.

  1. Start on hands and knees.

  2. Lift hips up and back.

  3. Keep arms and legs straight.

2. Cobra Pose (bhujangasana)

This pose helps strengthen the back.

  1. Lie on the stomach with hands under shoulders.

  2. Lift the chest off the ground.

  3. Keep arms slightly bent and look up.

3. Child's Pose (balasana)

This pose is very relaxing for kids.

  1. Kneel on the ground and sit back on the heels.

  2. Stretch arms forward and lower the head to the floor.

  3. Breathe deeply and relax.

Intermediate Yoga Poses

These poses are for kids who have some experience with yoga.

1. Warrior I (virabhadrasana I)

This pose makes kids feel strong like a warrior.

  1. Stand with feet wide apart.

  2. Turn one foot out and bend the knee.

  3. Raise arms above the head.

2. Warrior Ii (virabhadrasana Ii)

This is another strong pose for kids.

  1. Stand with feet wide apart.

  2. Turn one foot out and bend the knee.

  3. Stretch arms out to the sides.

3. Bridge Pose (setu Bandhasana)

This pose helps strengthen the back and legs.

  1. Lie on the back with knees bent.

  2. Lift hips up towards the sky.

  3. Keep arms by the sides and hold the pose.

Yoga Poses for Kids: Easy, Beginner, and Advanced Moves

Advanced Yoga Poses

These poses are for kids who are very good at yoga.

1. Crow Pose (bakasana)

This pose needs good balance and strength.

  1. Squat down and place hands on the ground.

  2. Lift knees onto the upper arms.

  3. Balance on the hands and lift feet off the ground.

2. Wheel Pose (urdhva Dhanurasana)

This pose needs a lot of strength and flexibility.

  1. Lie on the back and bend knees.

  2. Place hands by the ears with fingers pointing towards shoulders.

  3. Push up with arms and legs to lift the body.

3. Headstand (sirsasana)

This pose is very challenging and should be done with care.

  1. Kneel down and place forearms on the ground.

  2. Interlace fingers and place the head between the hands.

  3. Lift legs up and balance on the head and arms.

Yoga Poses for Kids: Easy, Beginner, and Advanced Moves

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Easy Yoga Poses For Kids?

Easy yoga poses for kids include Child's Pose, Cat-Cow Pose, and Butterfly Pose.

Can Kids Do Beginner Yoga Poses?

Yes, kids can easily do beginner yoga poses like Tree Pose, Downward Dog, and Happy Baby Pose.

Are Intermediate Yoga Poses Safe For Kids?

Intermediate yoga poses are generally safe for kids with proper supervision and guidance.

What Are Advanced Yoga Poses For Kids?

Advanced yoga poses for kids include Crow Pose, Wheel Pose, and Headstand. Supervision is recommended.


Yoga is a great activity for kids. It helps them stay active and healthy. Try these yoga poses with your kids today and have fun!

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